Upload Files

When you select Upload in the navigation bar, the application displays the SAIG / COD Message Class Transmittal  page. You can manually upload messages to the Student Aid Internet Gateway (SAIG) / Common Origination of  Disbursement (COD) using this page, which includes basic instructions for this process. 

Important: Pay close attention to the instructions. The file should be in ASCII text format with CR/LF endings.

Upload page

Field/Button Usage
Message Class

Set this option to specify the type of message transmitted.

These message classes are specified by the U.S. Department of Education. When a new message class is offered, or changes are made to an existing message class, Anthology Inc. adds, removes, or changes the message class list accordingly.

Outgoing Mailbox

Choose the outgoing mailbox to use for the transmittal.

If your user account is not associated with a TG Account/Mailbox, you cannot send outgoing messages.

The available TG Accounts/Mailboxes are created and maintained in Settings > User Administration > TG Accounts.

Notes (Optional) Enter any relevant notes about the message transmittal in the text box.
Choose Files Select this button to locate and select the file that contains the message files to send.
Upload Select this button to start the message upload process.