Event Logs
The location of event logs depends on whether workflows are executed in a cloud environment or on premises.
Cloud Subscriptions
Azure blob storage is Microsoft's object storage solution for the cloud. Blob storage is optimized for storing massive amounts of unstructured data. Unstructured data is data that doesn't adhere to a particular data model or definition, such as text or binary data. See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/storage/blobs/storage-blobs-introduction.
The Azure blob storage container provides logs for all products included in your subscription, e.g., Anthology Student, Portal, Workflow Events, STS, CampusLink APIs, etc.
To find Azure blob storage logs for your cloud subscription:
Log in to the Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer.
Select your subscription (900004 in our example).
In the panel on the left side, navigate to Storage Accounts > <your subscription>custlog > Blob Containers > logs.
In the panel on the right side, open the prod directory.
Depending on your subscription, you will see folders for multiple products, e.g., CampusLinkAPI, Anthology Student (sisclientweb), Portal (sisportal), Form Designer, Forms Renderer, Staff STS, Web Jobs, etc. Select the folder for a product and navigate to the log you want to review. These folders contain the last 2 weeks of logs.
For workflow logs, select the <your subscription>webjobs folder and then select EventNotificationService.
View or download the workflow log you want to review.
On Premise Installations
Event logs for workflows that are executed on a Anthology Student server are written to the following folder on the server machine:
Program Files (x86)\CMC\C2000\Services\Nexus Event Notification Service <version>\logs
The logs capture all workflow events including LogLine output, events associated with long running workflows, and errors captured by the Service Module Host.
The NLog settings determine the log level and target for event logs.
Event logs for workflows that are executed on a Anthology Student server are written to the following folder on the server machine:
Program Files (x86)\CMC\C2000\Services\Nexus Event Notification Service <version>\logs
The logs capture all workflow events including LogLine output, events associated with long running workflows, and errors captured by the Service Module Host.
The NLog settings determine the log level and target for event logs.
Event logs for workflows that are executed on an Anthology Student server are written to the following folder on the server machine:
Program Files (x86)\CMC\C2000\Services\Nexus Event Notification Service <version>\logs
The logs capture all workflow events including LogLine output, events associated with long running workflows, and errors captured by the Service Module Host.
The NLog settings determine the log level and target for event logs.