
You can use the Terms page to configure start and end dates for your institution's terms and assign the terms to one or more campuses or shifts. You can also configure perpetual terms with no start and end dates.

After you define the term, you can:

  • Establish term relationships
  • Mark the term as a Global Extract term (if your institution uses Global as an FA servicer)

You can add one or more parent term records on the Terms page. A parent term can have multiple child terms. In addition, you cannot add a parent term as a child term for itself.

When you define a child term as part of a parent term, you can specify multiple start dates for the child terms while still being able to calculate financial aid and academic information for the parent term.

A child term can: 

  • Be a parent term to other terms
  • Have one or more parent terms


To view the page, you must have Academics - Configuration - View authorization.

To edit the page, you must have Academics - Configuration - Manage authorization.

To edit an item associated with more than one campus, you must have access to all the campuses. For example, if the item is configured to be available at three campuses and you only have access to two of the campuses, you can view, but cannot edit it. (When you add an item, you can only select campuses to which you have access.)

The Payment Recalculation Notification section is enabled only if the term: 

  • Is a child term and is associated with at least one parent term
  • Is used for a Global Campus.

The Pre-Pull/Add-Drop Automation Configuration section is enabled only if the term is: 

  • Used by a Global Campus
  • Not a child term

The Web Registration section is enabled only if your institution has disabled the Use Portal option. You can configure a term as a global extract term only if your campus is a global campus.

You should be familiar with the Background for Intersessions.

Access Method

Select the Configuration tile > locate Academic Records > select Terms.


By default, the grid displays all records for the campuses you are authorized to work with. You can use the drop-down at the top of the page to display only records for a specific campus.

Procedure to Add or Edit Items

  1. Select All Campuses or select a specific Campus.

  2. Review the values of the records in the grid.

  3. If you want to:

    • Add a new list item, select the New button on the toolbar

    • Add a new list item by copying and modifying an existing list item, select the row in the list and the Duplicate button on the toolbar

    • Edit an existing list item, select the name in the list

    • View the terms related to a selected term, select the View Relationship button
  4. Review, specify, or change the following values.

    ActiveClosed Specifies whether the associated record is active.

    Add/Drop DateClosed The last day that students can register or unregister from the class section. This field becomes available only when the Class Section Enforced Add Drop Dates are configured for the campus. If the campus is set to use the Term Enforced Add Drop Dates, this field will not be displayed on Class Section page, and the AddDropDate from the Online Registration configuration for the term is applied.

    Allow Online UsageClosed Indicates that the perpetual term will be displayed in Portal. The Allow Online Usage check box is enabled only if the term is a perpetual term without a start or end date.

    Audit Designation DateClosed The deadline based on the term associated with the course. You cannot register a student for a course as an Audit after the specified date.

    CampusesClosed The campus or campuses for the term. You can associate the same code with campuses that are not already associated with the code. The term page displays only campuses that are not associated with a code.

    CodeClosed The alphanumeric code assigned to the Term. You can associate the same code with campuses that are not already associated with the code. The term page displays only campuses that are not associated with the code.

    End DateClosed The last date the item is effective or can be used.

    Global Extract TermClosed Indicates that your institution is configured to send data to a third party servicer, such as Global.

    Keep LDA on Unregistered CoursesClosed Not Set: Modifies the LDA based on the "Retain LDA on Unregistered Courses" campus-level setting. This setting is applicable until overridden by a similar setting contained within a specific course reason code. No: Clears the student's attendance records for the unregistered courses. In addition, this setting resets the LDA to the last date the student was in attendance in courses other than the unregistered course. Yes: Retains the LDA for the specified course even when the attendance records are removed.

    NameClosed The descriptive name of the item.

    Require Child Term End Date in Term Date RangeClosed Enforce that the child term’s end date must fall within the end date of the parent term.

    Revenue UnitsClosed The revenue units that will override the term length calculation. This setting applies only to institutions that bill by term and earn by month.

    ShiftClosed The shift during which the student will attend classes (such as days or evenings). Shifts are configured by your institution.

    Start DateClosed The first day that the item is effective or can be used.

    TypeClosed Indicates the term is used for reporting only.

  5. Under Term Usage, specify or change the following values.

    Days after Term End Date to allow SAP CalculationClosed If your institution uses the automated SAP calculation process, set this value to override the campus-level default value. Based on the specified value, the automated SAP calculation process days are adjusted. If you do not specify a value, the campus-level default value is used to determine when SAP processing will occur.

    Financial AidClosed Indicates the term is used for scheduling financial aid.

    Instructional Weeks (Non-Standard Term Only)Closed Specify the number of instructional weeks for non-standard terms. Use whole numbers only (max 100). This number is used only in the Enrollment Intensity calculations for non-standard term programs. Full-time Credit Formula = Instructional Weeks defined on the Term * Credits on a Full Academic Year from Program Version / Weeks on a full Academic Year from Program Version Enrollment Intensity Formula = Full-time credits calculated for the term / Financial Aid credits in the term (could be multiple courses)

    IntersessionClosed Select the Intersession check box for terms categorized as child terms and linked to a parent term with the Financial Aid Usage box selected. The child term can start or end outside the parent term dates. When the Intersession option is selected, the "Intersession Start Date" and "Intersession End Date" fields are updated in the database.  ClosedSee Note.

    Registration/AttendanceClosed Indicates the term is used for registration and attendance.

    ReportingClosed Indicates the term is used for reporting only.

    SAPClosed Select this check box when adding or editing a term. The SAP Calculation page displays only terms that have this check box selected and meet other criteria to retrieve the terms, such as campus.

    Student AccountsClosed Indicates the term is used for posting financial aid or billing.

  6. Under Term Association, specify or change the following values.

    Association TypeClosed You can select one of the following association types: - Non Standard Term: Select this option if FA Academic Calendar 1 is selected in the FA Program Version Setup. This option disables Standard Term lists. - Standard Term: Select this option when configuring scheduled academic years (SAYs). Terms that are configured with these options are used in scheduled academic years.

    Header/TrailerClosed Enabled only if you select Summer as the Term Type. You can specify a Standard Term as a Summer Header or Trailer. By configuring a Summer term as a Header or Trailer for a scheduled academic year, student financial aid packaging can be done for all terms at once. This option enables students to plan their schedules for the year based on the availability of funding for each semester.

    OfClosed The following Academic Calendar Types are available when you select Standard Term: - Quarter - Semester - Trimester

    TypeClosed The following Term Types are available when you select Standard Term: - Fall - Spring - Summer - Winter

  7. Select Save to save the Term record and enable related lists.

  8. If the campus is configured as a Global campus, select Configure to configure the term as a global extract term.

    If you select Do Not Configure, the term will be created but it will not be a Global extract term.

  9. In Parent and Child Relationships, if applicable:

    • Select the Add Parent button. Select one or more terms as parent term. Select Select to confirm.

    • Select the Add Child button. Select one or more terms as child terms. Select Select to confirm.

  10. If you do not select a Parent term, and the term is a global extract term, specify the following values in Configure Notification for Pmt Calc.

    Days After Term Start DateClosed Indicates the number of days after the term start date when the payment recalculation notification is sent. The payment recalculation notification is sent when a student schedule changes and the global weekly extract process is started.

    Schedule Change That Require NotificationClosed Enables payment recalculation.

    Type of Schedule ChangesClosed Determines the kinds of schedule changes that will start a payment recalculation notification. The types are: - Both Increases and Decreases - Decreases Only - Increases Only

  11. If the term is not a child term, under Configure Pre-Pull and Add/Drop Automation, specify the following values.

    Days After Term Start Date to Process Add-Drop ExtractClosed Indicates that initial instructor assignment information will be send to the LMS.

    Days Before Term Start Date to Process Pre-Pull ExtractClosed Indicates the period before the Term Start Date when the Pre-Pull extract process is started.

    Requires Pre-Pull and Add /DropClosed Indicates that the term should be included in the automated pre-pull and add-drop processes.

  12. Under LMS Settings Version 1.0 and Version 2.0, specify the following values.

    Send Course SectionsClosed Indicates that Course Section information will be sent to the LMS. Send Student RegistrationsClosed Indicates that Student Registration information will be sent to the LMS.
  13. Under LMS Settings Version 1.0, specify the following values.

    Send Initial Course SectionsClosed Indicates that initial course section information will be send to the LMS.

    Send Initial Instructor AssignmentsClosed Indicates that initial instructor assignment information will be send to the LMS.

    Send Initial Student RegistrationsClosed Indicates that information on initial student registration will be send to the LMS.

    Send Instructor AssignmentsClosed Indicates that instructor assignment information will be send to the LMS.

  14. Under Web Registration, specify the following values.

    Allow Student Registration WebClosed Allows students to register online for this term.

    Registration End DateClosed The Registration end date.

    Registration Start DateClosed The Registration start date.

  1. If you want to save and: 

    • Continue making changes, select the Save button

    • Continue to add another item to the list, select the Save & New button

    • Close, select the Save & Close button