Fund Sources

You can use the Fund Sources page to configure the sources of funds for financial aid for students. For some types of fund sources, you can also specify the maximum number of awards per year and the maximum amount of the award for one or more award years.

Your institution uses the fund sources you configure here when you award students on the Awarding tab. (Select the Students tile > select the name in the Students list > expand Financial Aid > select the Awarding tile > Awards tab.)

Use the top of the page to specify information common to all fund sources. After you select the type of fund source, the values you can specify and check boxes you can select will vary. For example, the: 

  • Financial Eligibility field is only available if you are using the Student Financial Aid Automated Awarding (SFAAA) feature and you selected Grant (Other than Pell), Scholarship, or Other Outside Resources in the Type field.

  • Merit-based list is only available if you select Non-Need Based in the Financial Eligibility field.

For a list of configurable fund source types, see Fund Source Types.

The areas you can expand also depend on the type of fund source and your institution.

  • Rules and Attributes: For all fund sources, specifies the rules and attributes associated with the fund source (Not all fields are available for all fund sources.) 

  • Disbursement Approval Criteria: If your institution has Anthology Student approve disbursements automatically based on criteria, specifies the criteria.

  • General Ledger Accounts and Refunds and Stipends: If your institution uses all FA G/L functions, you can specify different general ledger account numbers for handling disbursements, refunds, and stipends for each fund source and campus. Anthology Student uses the account numbers to release transactions to the general ledger when funds for the fund source are received or refunded. (If you do not specify the account numbers, it uses the general ledger debit and credit accounts associated with the bank account from which the checks are written.)

  • Loan Bank Accounts: If the fund source is a loan, specifies the default lenders, servicers, and guarantors.

  • Automation Attributes:  If you are using the SFAAA feature to add awards and one or more of the campuses you selected in the Campus list have Noel Levitz integration, specifies the values required by SFAAA.

  • Extended Properties: If you created extended properties with Entity Type = Fund Source under Settings > System > Extended Properties, specifies the values of the extended properties.

If your institution: 

  • Has limits on the number of awards per year and the amount of the award, you can set award year limits for some fund sources for one or more award years (see Set Award Limits).

  • Has configured fund source permissions (see Fund Source Security), you must configure the permissions for the fund source.

When Anthology Student is integrated with Anthology Finance & HCM:

  • Fund sources are created in Anthology Finance & HCM.

  • Fund sources cannot be added or modified in Anthology Student, that is, the grid toolbar buttons to create or edit fund sources are not available.

  • Fund sources listed in the grid are configured in Anthology Finance & HCM to be displayed in Anthology Student.


You must have Financial Aid - Configuration - Manage authorization.

To edit an item associated with more than one campus, you must have access to all the campuses. For example, if the item is configured to be available at three campuses and you only have access to two of the campuses, you can view, but cannot edit it. (When you add an item, you can only select campuses to which you have access.)

To unassociate a campus from a fund source, the fund source must not be associated with an agency.

To add fund sources, Anthology Student must not be integrated with Anthology Finance & HCM. (Fund sources can only be created in Anthology Finance & HCM.) The grid only lists fund sources configured in Anthology Finance & HCM to be displayed in Anthology Student.)

To edit the following values for fund sources, Anthology Student must not be integrated with Anthology Finance & HCM.

  • Active
  • Campuses
  • Code
  • Name
  • Type
  • Columns displayed when you expand General Ledger Accounts and Refunds and Stipends

You should be familiar with the Background Specific to Types of Aid.

Access Method

Select the Configuration tile > expand Financial Aid > select Fund Sources.


By default, the grid displays all records for the campuses you are authorized to work with. You can use the drop-down at the top of the page to display only records for a specific campus.

Procedure to Add or Edit Items

  1. Select a Campus.

  2. Review the values of the records in the grid.

  3. If you want to:

    • Add a new list item, select the New button on the toolbar

    • Add a new list item by copying and modifying an existing list item, select the row in the list and the Duplicate button on the toolbar

    • Edit an existing list item, select the name in the list

  4. Review, specify, or change the following values.

    ActiveClosed Specifies whether the associated record is active.

    Auto Package AwardClosed Specifies how the total award is determined when financial aid is automatically packaged. The options are Institutional Charges and Cost of Attendance (COA). The list is enabled and defaults to Cost of Attendance when you select Student Payments, Direct Plus Loan, Grant (Other than Pell), Other Need Based Loans, Other Non-Need Based Loans, PLUS Loan, or Scholarship in the Type list. It is enabled and defaults to Institutional Charges when you select Other Outside Resources in the Type list. For all other types, it is disabled.

    Awarding StateClosed If you selected Grant (Other than Pell) or Scholarship in the Fund Source Type drop-down list, you can specify the state to identify the fund source as a state fund source.

    CampusesClosed The campus or campuses to which a person or item is assigned. It is filtered to display the campuses to which you have access. In some cases, it is also used to filter a list to only those items for the campus. In some lists, you can select more than one campus or select All. In lists that display columns, if the column contains more than one campus, you cannot sort or filter on that column.

    CodeClosed The alphanumeric code assigned to the item by your institution. In most cases, codes must be unique.

    Description/NameClosed Text that describes the item.

    Financial EligibilityClosed If you are using the Student Financial Aid Awarding (SFAA) feature and you selected Grant (Other than Pell), Scholarship, or Other Outside Resources in the Type field, specifies whether the aid is need based on non-need based. For all other types of fund sources, it defaults to the appropriate value and cannot be changed. Anthology Student uses the values to calculate amounts for manual packaging, automatic packaging, financial aid batch packaging, and in the Alternate and Standard grids on the Awards tab. For Need based or if no value is specified, Anthology Student performs the calculation for need based aid and displays the value in the Gross Need Based Aid Pkgd field in the grid on the Awards tab. For Non-Need Based, Anthology Student performs the calculation for non-need based aid and displays the value in the Non-Need Based Aid Pkgd field in the grid on the Awards tab.   ClosedSee more details.

    Fund Source TypeClosed The type of fund source. If you are using a servicer for awards that are sent to Common Originations and Disbursements (COD), you must select specific types. For TEACH grants with servicers, you must select Grant (other than Pell). For Pell grants with servicers, you must select Pell Grant. For Direct Subsidized loans with servicers, you must select Subsidized Stafford. For Direct Unsubsidized loans with servicers, you must select Unsubsidized Stafford. For Direct PLUS loans with servicers, you must select PLUS Loan. For a College Savings plan, you can use the fund source types of Student Payment or Other Outside Resources. These types would allow you to monitor usage using financial aid reports. Anthology Student uses the fund source type value in the Awards form, COD reporting, 1098-Ts, IPEDS, and 09/10 reporting. If Anthology Student is integrated with Anthology Finance & HCM, the Type field is disabled for fund sources that are managed in Anthology Finance & HCM.

    Merit BasedClosed If you are using the Student Financial Aid Awarding (SFAA) feature and you selected Non-Need Based in the Financial Eligibility field, specifies whether or not the awards for the fund source are based on merit. The default is No.

  5. Under Fund Source Properties, specify or change the values:

    Attendance RequiredClosed Select this check box if attendance is mandated by an outside entity for students receiving the fund source. If selected, the last day of attendance (LDA) is used as the NSLDS Withdrawal Date.

    Community Service RequiredClosed Indicates whether or not a service component is required for reporting. Yes indicates it is required.

    FoundationClosed If you are using the Student Financial Aid Awarding (SFAA) feature and you selected Grant, Other Outside Resources, or Scholarships in the Type list, select the check box to indicate that the fund source is associated with an alumni or scholarship foundation at your institution.

    InstitutionalClosed If you selected Grant (Other than Pell), Student Payments, or Scholarship in the Type list, select this check box to specify that the fund source is an institutional grant (other than Pell) or scholarship that is disbursed from an established restricted account and funded by outside sources or income earned on such funds. When the check box is selected, the 90/10 report includes this aid in the calculation. The check box is disabled if you selected the Title IV check box.

    Non-TaxableClosed If you are using the Student Financial Aid Awarding (SFAA) feature and you selected Grant, Other Outside Resources, or Scholarships in the Type list, selecting the check box or a Yes displayed in the column indicates that a fund source is categorized as a non-taxable fund. Funds designated as non-taxable properties shall not pay for any sales taxes upon posting against fees, books, or any other item normally taxed.

    Other Non Federal Resource Closed If the check box is selected or the column contains Yes, the fund source is applied towards institutional costs before Title IV and other cash payments in the 90/10 calculation. When the check box is selected, the 90/10 calculation does not exclude stipends from Title IV funds (Revenue). The check box is disabled if the Title IV check box is selected.

    SEOG GrantClosed If you selected Grant (Other than Pell), select the check box to specify that the fund source is a Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG). When selected, Anthology Student identifies and includes SEOG records in the FISAP report.  Match%Closed Specifies the percentage of matching SEOG grant funds provided by your institution. You must select the SEOG Match check box to enable the field. You can specify 2 decimal places. This information is important when returning Title IV funds. The amount of SEOG funds received and expected is reduced by the matching percentage at your institution.

    Title IVClosed Indicates whether or not the award is configured to be a Title IV award or not. For fund sources that are typically Title IV, the check box is selected by default. If you select the Student Payments in the Type list or the Institutional check box, the Title IV check box is disabled.

    Title VII Eligible Closed Specifies whether or not the fund source is Title VII funding.

    Used for Outside Collections - Grace Period Days Closed If you selected Student Payments in the list, select the check box if you are using an outside collections agency or vendor and specify the number of days between billing cycles. The number of days must be greater than or equal to zero.

  6. Under Award Status, specify or change the values:

    Create Award with Approved StatusClosed Select this check box if you want Anthology Student to package the award in approved status when predefined conditions are met and the award is automatically packaged, packaged in batch, or estimated. These awards do not require student acceptance from the Portal.

    Display award in Student PortalClosed The "Display Award in Student Portal" option is selected by default, and the award using that fund source will be displayed in the Student Portal. When this option is selected, the "Student Portal acceptance changes award to approved" option is enabled. If "Display Award in Student Portal" is cleared, "Student Portal acceptance changes award to approved" is cleared and disabled and the award using that fund source will not be displayed in the Student Portal.

    Student Portal acceptance changes Award Status to Approved Closed Select the check box to specify that the award will be automatically approved after the student accepts the award online on the Portal.

  7. Under 90/10 Report Configuration, specify or change the values:

    Exclude from 90/10 ReportingClosed Select this check box if the fund source is to be excluded from 90/10 calculations. By default, fund sources are NOT excluded from 90/10 calculations. When you select this option, other 90/10 related settings (existing or new) for the fund source will be disabled/hidden.

    Disbursed from restricted account that is funded by outside sourcesClosed If you selected Grant (Other than Pell) or Scholarship in the Type list and the Institutional check box, you can select the check to box to indicate that the fund source is an institutional scholarship or grant that meets the defined conditions. For example, the scholarships or grants are disbursed from an established restricted account and funded by outside sources or income earned on such funds. Anthology Student then uses the awards for this fund source in the revenue calculation for the 90/10 report.

    Non-Title IV Federal Education FundClosed Select this check box if the fund source is a non-Title IV Federal education assistance fund for 90/10 calculation purposes. You can select this option if all of the following conditions are met: 1. The fund source is not configured to be excluded from 90/10 calculations 2. The fund source Type is either Grant (other than Pell), Other Outside resources, Scholarship, Other Need Based Loans, or Other Non-Need Based Loans. 3. The “Title IV?” attribute is not selected. 4. The “Other Non Federal Resource” attribute is not selected. 5. The “Institutional” attribute is not selected.

    Commingled FundClosed If a fund source is configured as a non-Title IV Federal education assistance fund for 90/10 calculation purposes, you can select this check box to indicate whether the fund source is a commingled fund source where the fund comes from non-Federal entities that are commingled with Federal education assistance funds. The default value for this setting is false (not a commingled fund).  

    Non-Federal %Closed For a commingled fund source, specify what % of the fund is the non-Federal portion for that fund source. The default value is 0.00

  8. Review, specify, or change the following values.

    General Ledger Fund Closed If you are using the general ledger, select the general ledger fund for the selected fund source so that transactions for this fund source are posted to the associated accounts. The general ledger funds in the list are configured by your institution.

    NoteClosed Area that displays, or that you can use, to specify comments or additional information.

    Receipt CommentClosed Specify any comments or notes that you want to be printed on the notification of receipt.

    Refund PayeeClosed If you selected ACG Grant, Grant (Other than Pell), Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grant, Pell Grant, SMART Grant, or Scholarship in the Type list, you can use the field to specify the first line displayed on the check and check ledger. If your institution also configures the fund source so that it allows editing of payee for refunds, a different payee can be selected when scheduled refunds are edited in Student Accounts.

  9. Expand Rules and Attributes and specify or change the following values. The values you can specify depend on the fund source and the values you previously selected.

    Allow Editing of Refunds PayeeClosed If the check box is selected, specifies that staff members can change the payee when a refund is edited in Student Accounts.

    Allow Editing of Stipends PayeeClosed If the check box is selected, specifies that staff members can change the payee when a stipend check is processed.

    Allow Manual PostClosed For Financial Aid G/L funds, select this option to allow posting funds directly to the student's ledger.

    Apply Over Payments to Interest before Principal Closed If you selected Cash or Other Outside Resources in the Type list and Post Interest Charges for Payments in the Interest Charges list, select the option to specify payments are applied to the interest before the principal.

    Associate Courses to Payments Closed If you selected Cash, Other Outside Resources, or Scholarship in the Type list, select this option to associate a course with a payment. The courses associated with the payments can be required by third parties or agencies and selecting the option prints the courses on the invoice.

    Auto Create Payment ScheduleClosed This option is available only if a system registry key for this feature is enabled. Contact Anthology for more information. If you also select the Associate Courses to Schedule check box, you can select the check box to link course registration through Portal to the creation of scheduled disbursements. When you select this option, your system administrators can configure fund source types of Cash, Other Outside Resources, and Scholarships for students to select from to pay for a course on Portal. When the student selects the fund source to pay for a course, Anthology Student automatically creates an award for the fund source with a disbursement to pay for the course. If the student selects more than one fund source to pay for a course, Anthology Student creates an award for each fund source with the corresponding disbursement. If you select this option, you must also use the buttons and fields under Schedule Payment Due Date to specify the due dates. If the award is paying for a course and the award is being paid for by third party agencies not linked to a credit card, you should manually create the payment plan for the agency (such as Military Tuition Assistance and Corporate Tuition Assistance). The Remaining Balance to Schedule by Course report displays the amounts remaining to schedule for each student by course.

    Award in Summer Closed Select the check box to specify that the fund source is included in the financial aid packaging for summer terms. When the check box is not selected, the packaging process excludes the fund source for summer.

    Borrower is the Student Closed If you selected Other Need Based Loans or Other Non-Need Based Loans in the Type list, you can select this check box to specify that the student is the borrower. If the check box is not selected, the borrower can be someone other than the student.

    Cancel/Drop DaysClosed Specifies the number of days within which the student is permitted to cancel or drop the enrollment and loan without having to repay a portion of the loan.

    Customize Refunds/Stipends Name, Refund Name, and Stipend Name Closed If you want to specify custom names for refund and stipend transactions, select the check box and specify the custom names in the Refund Name and Stipend Name fields. The name should contain the fund source in the description. Anthology Student adds the financial aid award year to the descriptions entered in the fields for up to 100 characters. These descriptions are displayed to the student in Portal.

    Disburse Stipend without Posted Funds Closed Select the check box if you want to process stipends that have not had funds posted to the student ledger. For the unposted stipend to be processed, your institution must have also configured the campus so that it does not prevent disbursing of stipends if funds are not posted. If your institution prevents it, it will not be processed even if you select the check box here. A stipend can always be processed if it has been posted to the student ledger.

    Exclude from Estimated Financial AssistanceClosed Available for Grants (Other than Pell), Scholarships, Other Outside Resources, Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grant in the Type list, you can select this check box to specify that awards using one of these fund source types will not be included in that Package to Cost of Attendance grid for the student’s financial aid package. If you selected Other Outside Resources and the Print Promissory Note check box, the check box is disabled.

    Exp Disbs w/30 days of LDA on Drop?Closed Select this check box to leave disbursements in a scheduled status if the scheduled disbursement date is within 30 days of the student's last day of attendance (LDA) and the student status is changed to Drop. The default for this check box is cleared.

    Grace DaysClosed Specifies the number of days after the student graduates or drops out of school before they must begin repaying the loan. Anthology Student uses the value to calculate the first repayment date for each loan in the Exit Interview form.

    Graduate Student Borrower (Graduate PLUS)Closed If you selected PLUS Loan or Direct PLUS Parent Loan in the Type list, select the check box to specify that the borrower is a graduate student. Anthology Student uses this to determine whether to use the student or the parent on the master promissory note. If you select the check box, the student is on the promissory note. If you do not, the parent is on the promissory note. 

    Include in 1098-T CalculationsClosed If you selected Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grant, Scholarship, Other Outside Resources, Pell Grant, TEACH Grant, or Grant (Other than Pell), select the check box to specify that the fund source is included in the 1098-T calculations for scholarships and grants.

    Interest Charges Closed If you selected Cash or Other Outside Resources in the Type list, select the method you want Anthology Student to use to recalculate the interest at the time that the payment is made. If you are using the Generate Interest Charges feature in Student Accounts to calculate and post interest charges to the student ledgers, select Use Processes Menu Generate Interest Charges. Otherwise, select Post Interest Charges for Payments.

    Next Payment DueClosed For Financial Aid G/L funds, select this option to allow posting funds directly to the student's ledger.

    Other Scholarship/Grant Closed If you select Other Outside Resources in the Type list, you can select the check box to specify that the fund source is a scholarship or grant. Do not select the check box if want the fund source to be cash or student payment plan. When selected, the fund source is treated as a scholarship by the 1098-T Processing Utility. If you do not select the check box, the fund source is not treated as a scholarship by the 1098-T Processing Utility. If the scholarships are greater than the charges, the 1098-T Processing Utility does not allow the printing of the 1098-T statement.

    Overpayments Closed If you selected Cash, Other Outside Resources, Iraq and Afghanistan Services Grant, Pell Grant, or TEACH grant in the Type list, select the method used to apply overpayments received. Apply to First applies the overpayment amount to the next scheduled payment. Apply to Last applies the overpayment amount to the last scheduled payment. If the list is enabled, it is required if you selected Other Outside Resources, Iraq and Afghanistan Services Grant, Pell Grant, or TEACH Grant in the Type list.

    Post Directly to Ledger Card Closed Select the option to allow postings that affect this fund source directly to the student ledger card. Such postings could be rather than, or in addition to, automated procedures such as posting FA disbursements. It is disabled if you select Work-Study in the Type list.

    Post to Next Payment Due DateClosed If you selected the check box for Post Directly to Ledger Card and you select the check box, specifies that the amount is posted to the next payment due date. The check box is selected by default.

    Package Crossover Term/Payment Period with Award Year 2 ISIRClosed Select the check box to allow the term or payment period that is crossing over to be packaged in the second award year using that second ISIR value. This occurs only when the student has exhausted their Pell award for award year 1 and has not been packaged for any additional funding for that term or payment period. If the check box is not selected, the standard awarding of the disbursement by the term or payment period falling within the award year that is being packaged is followed.

    Print Promissory Note Closed If you selected Student Payments in the Type list, select the check box to specify that the promissory notes are printed using Anthology Student.

    Re-Amortize Student Plan Overpayment Closed If you selected Cash or Other Outside Resources in the Type list, did not select the Apply Over Payments to Interest Before Principle and Recalculate Interest at time Payment is made check boxes, selected Post Interest Charges for Payments in the Interest Charges list, and selected Apply to Last in the Overpayments list, select the check box to specify that the plan is re-amortized when there is an overpayment on the plan.

    Recalculate Interest at time Payment is made Closed If you selected Cash or Other Outside Resources in the Type list and Post Interest Charges for Payments in the Interest Charges list and you did not select Apply Overpayments to Interest before Principal, you can select the check box to have Anthology Student recalculate the interest at the time the payment is made.

    Reduces Remaining Balance to Schedule Closed If you selected Other Outside Resources in the Type list, you can select the check box to specify that your institution reduces the remaining balance to schedule when this fund source is awarded so that students are not over awarded. Do not select it if you do not want it to reduce the remaining balance for funds paid directly to the student (such as Veterans Administration benefits).

    Require Scheduled Disbursement Closed Select the check box if you want disbursements for the fund source to be scheduled before they can be posted by Student Accounts. Do not select the check box if you want to post disbursements in Student Accounts without requiring that they have a scheduled disbursement first. This is a quicker method of posting disbursements to a student ledger. When you post the payment in Student Accounts, you are prompted for a minimal amount of information concerning the financial aid and Anthology Student will create the disbursement in Financial Aid. If you selected Other Outside Resources or Work-Study in the Type field, the check box is disabled because it does not apply. For all other fund sources in the Type list, it is selected by default. The check mark cannot be removed if you selected Direct Plus Loan, Direct Subsidized Loan, Direct Unsubsidized Loan, Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grant, Pell Grant, Perkins Loan, or TEACH Grant.

    Require Scheduled Disbursement for New Awards Closed If you selected Other Outside Resources in the Type list and the Reduce Remaining Balance to Schedule check box, you can select the check box to specify that staff members must select one of the configured disbursement schedules when they add the award.

    Restrict Minimum Payment to Accrued Interest Closed If you selected Cash or Other Outside Resources in the Type list and you selected Post Interest Charges for Payments in the Interest Charges list and you also selected Re-Amortize Student Plan Overpayment, select the check box to specify that the minimum payment must be at least the amount of the accrued interest.

    Round DisbursementsClosed If you selected Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grant, Pell Grant, or TEACH Grant in the Type list, select the check box to specify that refund amounts are rounded for Return of Title IV Funds (R2T4). Anthology Student rounds Direct Loan funds per COD requirements and allows Pell amounts to be rounded as defined in the FSA Handbook. Anthology Student makes the adjustments when posting the financial aid refund calculation. When selected, rounding is activated within the refund calculations for refund amounts, and it is applied when the results from the refund calculation are posted to the student ledger. For example, the refund calculation results may show a particular fund with cents, but when the results from the refund calculation are posted to the student ledger, the rounding logic is applied to round to the nearest dollar. This is effective for refunds that are done from the time of implementation of Anthology Student version 15.0. There is no retroactive handling of rounding of any existing refunds that have not been posted.

    Scheduled Payment Due Date Closed If you selected Cash, Other Outside Resources, or Scholarship in the Type list and you selected the Associate Course to Payments and the Auto Create Payment Schedule check boxes, use the radio buttons and corresponding field for entering the number of days to specify when the payment is due. The date must not be more than one year after the date (365 days).

    Third Party Funds Source Code Closed If you are using a servicer, specify the Third-Party Code (ID number) that represents your institution. This number is usually provided to your institution by the servicer and represents an identifier by which the institution is known to the servicer.


    • If the Round Disbursements check box is cleared and the registry key to allow Pell Cents is enabled, the exact number of cents is displayed and saved for the Pell origination amount.

      The Pell origination amount is processed and saved with the properly calculated number of cents regarding the Year-Round Pell Additional Eligibility Indicator.

      This configuration ensures that origination amounts properly display the number of cents when COD Import and COD Export are run.

    • If the Round Disbursements check box is selected, Anthology Student uses up/down alternate rounding starting with the first disbursement that needs rounding. Once rounding has started it continues through the disbursements with the last disbursement receiving the remainder of the eligible amount for the year.

    • The Add’l Eligibility Indicator check box must be selected for Year-Round Pell to be considered for a student. For more details, see Year-Round Pell Grants for Award Years 2017-18 and Later.

    Example of a CARES fund source configuration
    Field Option
    Code CARES
    Fund Source Type Other outside resource
    Title IV cleared
    Exclude from Estimated Financial Assistance selected
    Reduces Remaining Balances to Schedule selected
    Financial Eligibility Non-need based
  10. Select the Save button to make the remaining areas of the page available.

  11. Complete the remaining areas on the page based on the conditions and tasks listed in the table.

    Condition and Task Action to Take

    If one or more of the campuses selected in the Campuses list are configured to use automated disbursement approval, specify the criteria that Anthology Student uses to approve disbursements.

    1.  Expand Disbursement Approval Criteria.

    2.  Select or change the name of the set of criteria in the Approval Criteria NameClosed Specifies the name of the set of disbursement approval criteria that you want Anthology Student to use to approve disbursements for the fund source. The disbursement approval criteria in the list are configured by your institution. list for each of the campuses in the list.

    If you change a value, Anthology Student marks the top, left corner of the fields without a check with a red indicator.

    If your institution uses all FA G/L functions and you selected a value other than 'Not a Financial Aid G/L Fund' in the General Ledger Fund list, specify the account numbers for general ledger accounts for disbursements, refunds, and stipends and select the method for returns.


    •   You specify an account number, you must specify both account numbers for the record (For example, you must specify a debit account number if you specify a credit account number.) 

    •   Anthology Student is integrated with Anthology Finance & HCM, you must specify the account numbers

    •   Accounting for the campus has been configured to access the Great Plains database and the maximum number for search has been configured for Student Accounts, you can use the Search Great Plains button on the toolbar after you Select the Debit Account Number or Credit Account Number field to select the account by name or number

    The business rules for entering account numbers on this form are the same as for the GL Link account setup in Anthology Student (Select the Settings tile > expand Student Accounts > select General). Stipend account numbers are treated the same way as refunds, subject to the same verification and reporting criteria and limitations. Validation does not occur if Other is selected for the general ledger system when accounting was configured for the campus.

    1.  Expand General Ledger Accounts and Refunds and Stipends.

    2.  Select the right arrows to expand the grids for Disbursements, Refunds, and Stipends.

    3.  Specify or change the values in the columns for the campuses.

    Credit Account NumberClosed The number of the account that is credited for the disbursement, refund, or stipend.

    Debit Account Number (Bursary Central)Closed The number of the account that is debited for the disbursement, refund, or stipend.

    Return MethodClosed The return method for the refund. The return methods are Check, Master Check, EFT, Net, and ACH. If the Schedule Refund option is selected, the return method will default to ACH if the campus is configured for an ACH processor for refunds, and the student has at least one checking or savings account configured for direct deposit. ACH is allowed only if the fund source is CASH. If Post Directly to Ledger is selected, the Return Method will always display Check.

    For stipends, you can select the Update Return Methods button and specify or change the Return Method for all of the campuses.

    If you selected a loan in the Type list, specify the default lenders, servicers, and guarantors for loans. These banks become the defaults. A default is required if you want to estimate financial aid with bank fees. Otherwise, net and gross award amounts are the same for estimated loans. You can change the values when you manually add awards or after you automatically package the awards.

    1.  Expand Loan Bank Accounts.

    2.  For each campus in the list, specify or change the values in the columns.

    Guarantor Closed Guarantor that is guaranteeing the loan. Guarantors are specified when fund sources are configured by your institution. If a guarantor was configured for the lender, the guarantor configured for the lender is displayed by default.

    Lender Closed The name of the lender. Lenders are configured by your institution.

    Servicer Closed Specifies the servicer that is servicing the loan (such as the institution collecting payments). If a servicer was configured for the lender, the servicer from the configuration is displayed by default.

    If you selected a Grant (Other than Pell) or a Scholarship in the Type list and you are using the Student Financial Aid Automated Awarding (SFAAA) feature to add awards, specify the information required for the contact person for the fund source.

    1.  Expand Automation Attributes.

    2.  If the field is enabled, select a value in Military BenefitsClosed Select 'Military TA' for Military Tuition Assistance or 'Military VA' for Military Veterans Assistance. .

    3.  Under Fund Source Contact, specify or change the values.

    CityClosed The name of the city.

    Phone NumberClosed The phone number. The format depends on how your institution configured phone numbers (such as whether phone numbers use parentheses and hyphens).

    StateClosed If within the United States, the name of the state.

    Street AddressClosed The street address. For student addresses, if an address has more than 40 characters, the additional characters in the address line will not be extracted to be sent to COD but will be truncated.

    ZIP Code/Postal CodeClosed The postal code for the address. If you are specifying an address, you must specify a value for City or State. If you specify a city or state or both, the list contains the valid zip codes.

    If you are using the Student Financial Aid Automated Awarding (SFAAA) feature and one or more of the campuses you selected in the Campus list have the Noel Levitz Integration functionality configured, specify the Noel Levitz Reporting Properties.

    1.  Expand Automation Attributes.

    2.  If the field is enabled, select a value in Military BenefitsClosed Select 'Military TA' for Military Tuition Assistance or 'Military VA' for Military Veterans Assistance. .

    3.  Under Noel Levitz Reporting Properties, specify or change the values.

    Automation CampusesClosed Displays the campuses for the fund source where automation is enabled.

    Award Type (Estimate)Closed The type of award. The values are Gift, Loan, and Work.

    BasisClosed The basis used to determine when the fund source is awarded. The values are Merit Based, Need Base, Other, Premium Academic, and Talent Based.

    FundingClosed The type of funding for the fund source. The values are Funded, Unfunded (tuition source), Unfunded (room and board source).

    SourceClosed The source of the funds for the fund source. The values are Campus Based, Federal Government, Institutional, Other Outside, Private Scholarship, and State and Local Government.

    If you created Extended Properties with Entity Type = Fund Source, specify the property details.

    1.  Expand Extended Properties.

    2.  In the field for the extended property, specify or change the value. The field type (e.g., text box, drop-down list) depends on the Type ValidationClosed Specifies the values or type of validation. This field is enabled only when you select String, Numeric or Date option in the Type field. The options are: - None: Select this option if you want the extended property to be without values or validation. - Multi Select List: Select this option if you want the extended property to contain one or more values selected from a list. - Value List: Select this option if you want the extended property to contain a single value selected from a list. - Range: Select this option if you want the extended property to contain a value in a specific range. This option is only visible, if you have selected Numeric or Date option in the Type field. configured for the extended property.

  1. If you want to save and: 

    • Continue making changes, select the Save button

    • Continue to add another item to the list, select the Save & New button

    • Close, select the Save & Close button

Procedure to Add, Edit, or Remove Award Limits

You can use the Fund Sources page to specify the maximum number of awards per year and the maximum amount of the award for one or more award years. If you do not set award limits, there are no limits for the campus, fund source, and award year. You can also use the list to edit and remove award limits.

You must have selected one of these fund sources in the Type list when you added the fund source.

  • Grant (Other than Pell) 
  • Other Need Based Loans
  • Other Non-Need Based Loans
  • Other Outside Resources
  • Scholarship
  • Student Payments

If you are adding a fund source, you must also have saved the fund source.

  1. If not already selected, select the name of the fund source in the list.

  2. Select the Add Award Year Limits button on the toolbar.

  3. Review or change the Award Year.

  4. Review the value in the Fund Sources field.

  5. To use award year limits for more than one award year, select Copy to Award Years, select the years, and select the Select button.

  6. In the Add Award Year Limits grid, review the Fund Sources and Campus.

  7. Specify or change the values in the following columns. When you change a value, Anthology Student marks the top, left corner of the field with a red indicator.

    Maximum Amount Closed Specifies that the maximum amount can be awarded for the fund source when Anthology Student automatically packages the award.

    One Award Per Year Closed When Yes is selected, there is a limit of one award per year. If No is selected, there is no limit.

To remove a record, select the Add Award Year Limits button on the toolbar, select the record for the campus you want to remove, and select the Remove button. Anthology Student resets the limits to the default (no limit on the number of awards or the amount). The next time you use the Add Award Limits button for the fund source, Anthology Student restores the record for the campus with default values.