Creating an Assignment Rule

The Assignment Rule entity enables record assignment based on criteria in an associated query.


In the next round of Summer admissions, application records shortlisted in the assignment group and with permanent addresses on the East coast must be assigned to Nick, the admissions coordinator in the Eastern territory.

Each assignment rule record is associated with a number, i.e., its execution order among all assignment rules in the assignment group. Records not assigned in the assignment rule with execution order 1 will pass to the assignment rule with execution order 2, and so on.

Records that remain unassigned after all assignment rules are executed will be assigned to the user set in the parent assignment group's Fall Back User field.

When creating the assignment rule:

  1. In the Execution Order field, specify a numeric value that will determine its order of execution.
  2. In the Assignment Type field, select one of the following values:

    Before working with any of the following assignment methods, administrators must be aware of the User List entity and its association with the record assignment framework. For more information, see User Lists.

  3. In the User List field that's displayed for the Assignment Types Round Robin, Weighted Round Robin and Load-based Assignment, select a user list.
    Static or dynamic user lists can be selected for the Round Robin and Load-based Assignment options; only static user lists can be selected for Weighted Round Robin.
    Additionally, when Weighted Round Robin is selected, user list details along with the weight assigned to each user can be viewed in the Weighted Round Robin Assignment grid.
  1. In the Query Condition tab, create a new query to assign records based on logic you want to define. Alternatively, you can use an existing view if it contains the required logic. The steps you need to perform are identical to the steps in the Segment Criteria tab of the Assignment Group record. For more information, see Create Segment Criteria in the Assignment Group.

When record assignment occurs, in the associated assignment history record that's created, the value in the Assignment Method field will be:

  • Scheduled - if regular schedule based assignment occurs.

  • Trigger - in a trigger-based assignment scenario.

  • Assignment rule records can also be viewed from the sitemap (Record Assignment > Assignment Rules). Administrators can use this option to select and edit multiple assignment rule records in the Change Multiple Records dialog. For example, the user can be changed in the User to Assign field.
  • Users will be assigned records as the Assign User option in user records is Yes by default. To prevent assignment to users who may not be available for a specific duration, administrators can set this option to No.
  • Record assignment will not occur if a query in an assignment rule is blank or contains an error.
  • The following duplicate detection rules are triggered when an assignment rule record is saved:
    EntityValidated on the FieldsCriteria
    Assignment RuleAssignment Rule NameExact match

    Duplicate Detection Rule: Assignment Rule with same Assignment Rule Name and GroupId

    This rule prevents the creation of an assignment rule record with the same name as an existing record.

    Assignment GroupExact match
    Assignment RuleExecution OrderExact match

    Duplicate Detection Rule: Assignment rule with same Execution Order

    This rule prevents the creation of assignment rule records with identical values in the Execution Order field.

    Assignment GroupExact match