CreateDocument (V1)

 This activity was migrated to a new namespace. For new workflows use CreateDocument (V2) in Cmc.Nexus.Crm.Workflow.

The CreateDocument activity enables you to create a document in a workflow. This activity is associated with the PersonDocument contract. A PersonDocument is any document that can be attached to a Person entity such as staff, employer, or student. Examples of PersonDocuments are Driver's License, Transcript, and Application.

The CreateDocument activity is typically use in conjunction with a LookupListItem activity. The lookup retrieves the Document Type associated with a Document Type Id.

This activity creates an instance of a Document; it does not save it to the database. To persist the Document in the database, insert a SaveDocument (V1) activity.

Create Document activity


CreateDocument Properties
Property Value Required Notes
Award Year InArgument<String> No Award Year related to the document.
Date Received InArgument<Nullable<DateTime>> No Specify a date using a VB expression or variable. For example, to create the document whenever the event occurs, specify: DateTime.Now
Date Requested InArgument<Nullable<DateTime>> Yes Specify a date using a VB expression or variable.
Date Sent InArgument<Nullable<DateTime>> No Specify a date using a VB expression or variable.
DisplayName String No Specify a name for the activity or accept the default.
Document OutArgument<PersonDocument> Yes This is the document created by the workflow. The variable type is Cmc.Nexus.PersonDocument.

person document variable

Document Type InArgument<Int32> Yes Select a value in the drop-down list of the activity in the Designer window.
Due Date InArgument<Nullable<DateTime>> No Specify a date using a VB expression or variable. For example, to specify a due date that is 30 days after the event occurred, specify: DateTime.Now.AddDays(30)
Expiration Date InArgument<Nullable<DateTime>> No Specify a date using a VB expression or variable.
Notes InArgument<String> No Specify a note related to the Document being created.
ProspectId InArgument<Nullable<Int32>> No Specify a Prospect Id using a VB expression or variable.

Note: If a preceding activity in a workflow returns a Person Id, insert a PersonIdToCVueIdActivity into the workflow before using this property.

Related To InArgument<Int32> Yes Specify a Person Id using a VB expression or variable, for example:


Note: If a preceding activity in a workflow returns an Id that is not a Person Id, insert a CVueIdToPersonIdActivity into the workflow before using this property.

Status InArgument<Int32> Yes Select a value in the drop-down list of the activity in the Designer window.
StudentId InArgument<Nullable<Int32>> No Specify a Student Id using a VB expression or variable.

Note: If a preceding activity in a workflow returns a Person Id, insert a PersonIdToCVueIdActivity into the workflow before using this property.

WorkFlowInstance InArgument<Guid> No Specify the Id associated with the workflow instance to resume using a VB expression or variable. The variable type is System.Guid.

Guid variable

To remove a WorkflowInstance value, see Clear a Workflow Instance Id.
