Inserting an Action Node
Permissions Required
Manage Campaigns - To create, edit, copy, and delete Campaigns.
An Action Node can be inserted in a Campaign Workflow for an action to be performed.
Example You manage the Marketing Team at WorldWaves. You are creating the Workflow for a Campaign that is scheduled to run during Christmas. You want to send out the “Christmas Offer” Mailer to the Targets of this Campaign. You need to insert the Send mailer Action in the Workflow, and select the “Christmas Offer” Mailer. |
Alternatively, if a Manual Action is defined, the action has to be performed by a Talisma Client User. In the Campaign Workflow, a rectangle represents an Action.
To Insert an Action
1. In the Workflow tab of the Campaign window, click .
2. A rectangle is attached to the last Connector in the Workflow. Its Properties are listed in the Right pane, for which you need to specify values.
3. Type a name for the Node in the Name field.
4. From the Select Type of action list, select the action to be performed. Based on the action selected, its corresponding Properties are enabled in the Right pane.
5. Specify values for the Properties.
6. Click the Node in the Workflow. The selected action is displayed in the Node.
The following table describe Properties that are common across all Action Nodes:
Property |
Description |
Name |
Indicates the name of the Node in the workflow. Talisma displays a default name, which can be modified. |
Select Type of action |
Indicates the type of Action that can be performed. See the next table for the types of Actions and their associated Properties. |
Increment/decrement threshold |
This Property is displayed when you select the Increment Action in the Select type of action list. Specify the maximum, or minimum integer to which the Property selected in the Select Property field can be incremented, or decremented. If the selected Property has a Maximum Value specified in Talisma Business Administrator, specify a value that is less than or equal to the Maximum Value. Similarly, if the selected Property has a Minimum Value specified in Talisma Business Administrator, specify a value that is greater than or equal to the Minimum Value. For more information, see Talisma Business Administrator Help. |
Cost of step |
The cost that will be incurred for this action. Cost of one unit of an Element in the Step should be specified. This value will be used to generate reports. For example, if you spend $2 on the Manual Action of sending free samples of your product to 20 Targets, the cost of the Step is $2. The total cost incurred can be calculated by multiplying the per unit cost with the total number of Targets, i.e., 2 * 20. |
Current cost |
For a Campaign action, this is the product of the count of active Targets, multiplied by the value in the Cost of step field. For example, there are 10 active Targets at the Send mailer Action, and the value in the Cost of step field is $5, the Current cost is 10 * 5 = $50. Note • Click to view the updated value of this Property. • If the value of the Cost of step Property of an action is modified, the updated value of the Current Cost Property is displayed when the Campaign is saved. Further, the new value of the Cost of the Step Property will be applicable for further processing. • If the Campaign has been created using the Create Using menu option, the default value of this Property is set to 0. • For computing this cost, the count of Targets includes only those Targets for whom the value in the Action Status Target Property is set to Target Created, Target Moved, or Action Completed. • When Talisma is upgraded to the current version: ◦ By default, for a selected action node, the value of this Property is set to 0. ◦ When a Campaign is processed, the value displayed for this Property may be incorrect. |
Cumulative cost |
For a Campaign action, this is the sum of the Targets that have progressed through the action, multiplied by the value in the Cost of step field. For example, 10 Targets have progressed through the Sent Mailer action. If the value in the Cost of step field is $5, the Cumulative cost is 10 *5 = $50. Note • Click to view the updated value of this Property. • The value of this Property will remain unchanged even if Targets that have progressed through the action, have been deleted, or purged. • If the value of the Cost of step Property of a Campaign action is modified, the updated value of this Property is displayed when the Campaign is saved. • If the Campaign has been created using the Create Using menu option, the default value of this Property is set to 0. • When Talisma is upgraded to the current version: ◦ By default, for a selected action node, the value of this Property is set to 0. ◦ When a Campaign is processed, the value displayed in this Property may be incorrect. |
Owner of the step |
A user with the Manage Campaigns permission can create and manage a campaign. Such a user is the owner of the campaign. Each step in a campaign can be owned by a user in the team. The step owner is responsible for performing the action. By default, every time a new action node (step) is added to the campaign workflow (or when an existing step is modified), the logged-in user becomes the owner of that step.
Important: The value None, is specific only to the Send Mailer step in campaigns. When adding a Send Mailer step to your campaign workflow, if you want the email responses to be routed to members other than the owner of the step (or campaign owner), then select the Owner of the Step value as None. The Timer-Based Interaction Rules then route the email responses to the appropriate users. |
The following table describes various Campaign Actions and their associated Properties:
Action |
Description |
Automatic Step |
The Automatic Step Action enables Targets to flow through it into several adjacent Connectors attached to it. The Automatic Step Action can be used at the start of the Workflow for Targets to immediately transition to the next Step. Typically, you would use this type of Action when you want to send different versions of a Mailer in the same Campaign. Inserting this Action Node immediately after the Start event enables you to add several Connectors at the same level. You can define a Filter for each Connector. |
The Create Label Action enables your organization to print labels in bulk using a Print Template. It also enables you to print labels in a format that your organization requires. This Action is available in a Campaign if: 1. You have at least one Print Template in which Contact or Target is set as the base Object and the value in the Template Type field in the Properties tab of the Print Template window is Label. 2. The Print Template is shared with the Team in which you want to create the Campaign. For more information, see Creating a Print Template. The associated Properties of the Create Label Action are: • Select Template Select the Print Template you want to use. Alternatively, create a new Print Template from the File menu. Print Templates that belong to the Team in which you are creating the Campaign and which share the same base Object are listed. • Log Communication This option is enabled if: ◦ The Enable logging communication history in campaign actions option in Business Administrator is set to Yes. For information about this option, your administrator must see Business Administrator Help. ◦ The campaign base object shares a one-to-one or one-to-many relationship with the contact object, where the contact object is on the one side of the relationship. When this option is selected, an instance of a campaign communication object is created for every label that is dispatched or fails to dispatch at this step. These instances serve as a communication log, and are displayed in the Campaign Communications tab of the base object and the associated Contact object. In the Team list, select the teams with which the Campaign Communication instances must be shared. All teams in the system are displayed. Note ◦ The Log Communication check box is not selected in campaigns if you upgrade to the current version and campaign support was enabled in the previous version. ◦ If your organization requires that history of all campaign communication is logged, it is recommended that you do not clear the Log Communication option. Selecting a contact’s communication preferences enables you to select the categories and groups that you want to apply as a filter. The selected preferences will apply to targets at this step. The steps described in this procedure can be performed only if preferences are enabled for the base object of the Campaign in Business Administrator. For information about enabling preferences, your administrator must see Business Administrator Help. Note A contact’s communication preferences set for the letter medium implicitly apply to the label medium. a. Click the Select Preferences check box and then click . The Preferences dialog box is displayed. b. Select a category in the Category list. Groups that belong to the category are displayed in the Group list. c. Select the groups that you want to apply as a filter. Only groups that are active are available for selection. d. Click OK. • Sort Target by The sort order applies to the order in which print templates are printed. a. Select the Sort Target by option. b. Click . The Sort dialog box is displayed. The dialog box lists base Object Properties in the Properties column, and the sort order in the Order column. c. Select the Properties using which you want to sort the base Object items. d. Click in the required Order row, and select Ascending or Descending, depending on the order in which you want to sort the Targets for the Campaign. For example, if you have selected Contact ID, and First name, you can select Ascending for both the Properties, to sort their values in ascending order. e. To set the order in which the Properties need to be sorted, click or . In the above example, you can sort the order such that First name is sorted prior to Contact ID when the Targets are sorted for this step in the Campaign. f. Click OK. Note Click Clear All to clear the selection of base Object Properties. • Select File Path Select the path where you want the file containing base Object details to be stored. By default, this list displays file paths that are set for Teams to which you have access. The details of the path are displayed in the format Team[\\file path]. Alternatively, select the value Default to store the file in the path that is set in Talisma Database Administrator. Note The Select File Path field is blank if you view a Campaign in which the value that is selected is associated with a Team to which you do not have access. When you edit the Campaign, while the path that was set is not available, you can select a path that is associated with a Team to which you have access. • Save Document You can create files in MS Word in the following ways: Select Create One file per batch to create a file for every batch of Targets. You can specify the number of Targets in the Batch Size field. If the number of Targets exceeds this value, a new file is created for every subsequent batch. - OR - Select Create one file per Target to create a file for each Target. Note • Merging of properties inserted in the header and footer of a print template is not supported. • Right click the Node and select Preview Word Template from the shortcut menu to preview Target Details in the Action Node. • By default, the value for the Batch Size field is 100. |
Create Letter |
This Action is available in the Campaign if: 1. You have at least one Print Template in which Contact or Target is set as the base Object and the value in the Template Type field in the Properties tab of the Print Template is Letter. 2. The Print Template is shared with the Team in which you want to create the Campaign. For more information, see Creating a Print Template. The Create Letter Action enables your organization to dispatch printed Campaigns to recipients. This Action enables you to send letters, promotional material, or printed mail in a standard format. To work with the Create Letter Action, carry out the steps described for the Create Label Action until and excluding the description for the Save Document section. Perform the following steps: 1. Select the Create one file per Target option. The Create Interaction option is enabled. Note Print Templates without merge fields are not supported when you select the Create one file per Target and Create Interaction options. 2. Select the Create Interactions option. The Subject, Team, and User fields in the Interaction Details area are enabled. 3. In the Subject field, the <Name of the selected Print Template> Letter text is displayed by default. You can modify this text. Text specified in this field will be set in the Subject field of the created Interaction(s). 4. In the Team list, all Teams in the Talisma system are displayed. Select the Team to which the Interaction(s) must belong. 5. In the User list, Users in the selected Team who are granted the Assign/Transfer Interaction Permission are displayed. Values in the User list are displayed based on the following scenarios: • When you have access to the Team selected in step 4: ◦ If the Assign/Transfer Interaction Permission is enabled for the logged in User - By default, the logged in User is selected in the User list. You can change this selection by selecting a different User to whom you want to assign Interaction(s) that will be created as a result of the merge operation. User Object Properties defined in the Print Template are merged based on the User selected in the User list. ◦ If the Assign/Transfer Interaction Permission is not enabled for the logged in User - By default, the value None is selected. Further, the name of the logged in User is not listed in the User list. When You select a User for whom the Assign/Transfer Interaction Permission is enabled, Interaction(s) created as a result of the merge operation will be assigned to the selected User. User Object Properties in the selected Print Template will be merged based on the User selected in the User list. If the value None is not changed, User Object Properties will not be merged in the MS Word document that is attached to the new Interaction(s). • When you do not have access to the Team selected in step 4, content will be displayed identical to the scenario where the User’s access is enabled in the selected Team, and the Assign/Transfer Interaction Permission is not enabled. When the default or user-defined Service for the Print Job is run, Interactions will be created for Targets at the Create Letter Action Node. You can navigate to the Interaction Table View and work the created Interactions. |
Create Object |
An Object item can be created automatically through the Campaign Workflow. For example, Targets in a Node can be converted to Opportunities when they express interest in your company’s product or service by responding to your marketing Mailers. Similarly, Targets in a Node can be converted to Orders when they respond by placing an Order for a product or service. Using the Create Object option, you can also specify the creation of a custom Object item. Note Talisma prevents you from creating the Lead, Enrollment and SIS Objects. The associated Property of the Create Object Action is: • Select Object The Select Object list contains the following Objects: ◦ Opportunity ◦ Order ◦ Custom Objects related to the Contact Object. ◦ Custom Objects related to the Target Object. ◦ Participant - Available only if your organization has installed Talisma Event Management. The value in the participant's Team property is inherited from the Event that is associated with the campaign. If no Event is associated, the value in the Team property in the Event is inherited from the campaign's Team property. Select the Object item that must be created. Following objects can be created and those that cannot be created in the Create Object step: If Contact is the Base Object: ◦ Order, Opportunity, Application can be created ◦ Contact’s related custom Objects (of relationship type one-many and many-many) can be created. ◦ Contact, Lead, Activity, Target and all Reference Objects cannot be created. If Target is the Base Object: ◦ Target’s related Custom Objects (of relationship type one-many and many-many) can be created. ◦ Order, Opportunity, Contact, Application, Enrollment and all Reference Objects cannot be created. If any other Object is the Base Object: ◦ Object’s related Custom Objects (of relationship type one-many and many-many) can be created. ◦ Order, Opportunity, Contact, Target, Lead, Activity and all Reference Objects cannot be created. Note Other predefined Objects such as Interactions and Accounts, which have a predefined Relationship with the Contact Object, are not included in the Select Object list. |
Delete Object (item)s |
Base Object and Target details of Targets in this Node are deleted. However, they can be retrieved from the Trash Can. |
Delete targets |
Targets in this Node are deleted from the Campaign. However, base Object item details are not deleted. You can delete Targets when they do not transition to another Node in the Workflow. You can restore deleted Targets from the Trash Can, using the Undelete option from the Edit menu. |
Export Records |
This action enables you to export details of base object items that are added as Targets to a Campaign. Perform the following steps to export details of the base Object items: 1. Select Export Records in the Select Type of action field. The Select Export Configuration and Select File Path fields are displayed. 2. In the Select Export Configuration drop-down list, all Export Configurations of the base Object for which you are creating the Campaign are listed. Select the required configuration. 3. Log Communication This option is enabled if: ◦ The Enable logging communication history in campaign actions option in Business Administrator is set to Yes. For information about this option, your administrator must see Business Administrator Help. ◦ The campaign base object shares a one-to-one or one-to-many relationship with the contact object, where the contact object is on the one side of the relationship. When this option is selected, an instance of a campaign communication object is created for every record that is exported or fails to export at this step. These instances serve as a communication log, and are displayed in the Campaign Communications tab of the base object and the associated Contact object. In the Team list, select the teams with which the Campaign Communication instances must be shared. All teams in the system are displayed. Note ◦ The Log Communication check box is not selected in campaigns if you upgrade to the current version and campaign support was enabled in the previous version. ◦ If your organization requires that history of all campaign communication is logged, it is recommended that you do not clear the Log Communication option. 4. In the Select File Path drop-down list, all Campaign Network Paths specified for the Team to which you have access is displayed. Select the path where you want the file containing the exported base Object items to be stored. Important If the campaign or step name contains any of the following special characters, the export action replaces these characters in the file name with an underscore (_): \, /, <, >, ", ?, |, *, :, or - For example, if the campaign name is "Information Request Campaign 2015-2016", the exported record is renamed to "Information Request Campaign 2015_2016_<time_stamp>". |
Increment |
This Action enables you to increase, or reduce the value of a numeric Object Property by a user-defined integer, or decimal value. The Property is modified by the specified value when the Campaign in which this Action is inserted, is processed by Talisma. The associated Properties of the Increment Action are: • Select Object Select the Object for which the Property must be set. The Select Object list includes the following Objects: ◦ Contact ◦ Opportunity ◦ Order ◦ Target ◦ Event - This Object is available for selection only if your organization has installed Talisma Event Management. ◦ Participant - This Object is available for selection only if your organization has installed Talisma Event Management. ◦ Other base Objects (including custom Objects), and their related Objects, where the base Object is on the One or Many side of a One to Many, or Many to Many Relationship. Note ◦ Other predefined Objects such as Interactions and Accounts, which have a predefined Relationship with the Contact Object, are not included in the Select Object list. ◦ The Lead, Activity, and Participant Objects are not available for selection in the Select Object list even if they have a Relationship with the base Object of the Campaign. • Select Property Select the required Property for the selected Object. The Select Property list includes the predefined and custom numeric Properties for the Object selected in the Select Object list. Note For the selected Object, you cannot select Computed Properties, related Object Properties, and Invisible Properties. • Increment/decrement by Specify the value by which the selected numeric Property must be increased, or reduced when the Campaign is processed. To decrement the Property, use a negative value by prefixing the number with a minus sign (-). Note The numeric Property can be increased, or reduced by a decimal value if the numeric Property supports decimal values. |
Make Call |
The Make Call step enables a Talisma User to use the Talisma Phone Workspace to call a Contact who is a Target in a Campaign. The associated Properties of the Make Call step are: • Call Type Enables you to select the Call Type. The options available are: ◦ User Initiated This option enables the User to converse with the Target by using the Click to Dial feature from the Target Workspace. ◦ Dialer Initiated Selecting this option enables Users of a third-party application to call Targets in an outbound Phone Campaign. The third-party application must be integrated with a dialer. Calls will be made to the Targets using Property details specified in the Property List for Phone Campaigns Phone Media Option in Talisma Business Administrator. • Subject This is a free text field. Specify the subject of the outbound phone conversation that must occur with Targets in the Campaign. • Script for Outbound Phone Call This is the Script that is displayed to the User when outbound calls are made to Targets using the Click to Dial feature in the Target Workspace. The User can refer to the Script, and use it to resolve questions that Targets may ask during the conversation. • Phone Number for Dial Out The phone number that the Talisma User will use to call the Target. This option is enabled if you selected User Initiated in the Call Type Property. You can specify the Contact number that will be used to make the phone call. Click and select Properties, <Property>. The submenu includes Properties of the Contact Object. Select the relevant phone number Property that you want to be used to call Contacts who are Targets in the Campaign. Example If you have Cell Phone Number as a Contact Property, you can select this Property to be used to make calls to Contacts who are Targets in the Campaign. • Check Call Preferences This option enables you to specify whether the Contact's Call Preferences must be checked for this Make Call Step in the Campaign. If you select Yes, Talisma checks the value specified in the Can be called for this Campaign Target Property, and the Can be Called for Campaigns, and Do not call for any Campaign until Contact Properties. The Phone User will be able to call the Target if Yes is specified in the Can be Called for Campaigns Contact and in the Can be called for this Campaign Target Property. Further, the Phone User can call the Target only on or after the date specified in the Do not call for any Campaign until Contact Property. If you select No, the Phone User can call Targets regardless of the values specified in the: ◦ Can be called for this Campaign Target Property. ◦ Can be called for Campaigns Contact Property. ◦ Do not call for any Campaign until Contact Property. |
Manual Task |
A manual task can be configured to be performed for Targets in the Action Node. The following Property is associated with the Manual Task Action: • Manual Action This is the description of the Manual Task to be performed. For example, Send Flowers to Contact could be a Manual Action. |
Mark Object item(s) unavailable for mailers |
When this action is selected, the value of the Send Mailer Property for the base Object item is set to No. This may be done when Targets request to be removed from the Mailing List. |
Move targets to campaign |
Targets can be moved from a Node in one Campaign to another Campaign only if both Campaigns share the same base Object. The associated Properties of the Move Targets to Campaign Action are: • Select Campaign Select the Campaign to which the Targets must be moved. • Select Step Select the Node in the Campaign Workflow to which the Targets must be moved. |
Purge Target |
A Target can be permanently deleted from the selected Node of the Workflow. |
Send mailer |
A selected Mailer can be sent to Targets in the Campaign. The associated Properties of the Send mailer Action are: • Log Communication This option is enabled if: ◦ The Enable logging communication history in campaign actions option in Business Administrator is set to Yes. For more information about this option, your administrator must see Business Administrator Help. ◦ The campaign base object shares a one-to-one or one-to-many relationship with the contact object, where the contact object is on the one side of the relationship. When this option is selected, an instance of a campaign communication object is created for every mailer that is dispatched or fails to dispatch at this step. These instances serve as a communication log, and are displayed in the Campaign Communications tab of the base object and the associated Contact object. In the Team list, select the teams with which the Campaign Communication instances must be shared. All teams in the system are displayed. Note ◦ The Log Communication check box is not selected in campaigns if you upgrade to the current version and campaign support was enabled in the previous version. ◦ If your organization requires that history of all campaign communication is logged, it is recommended that you do not clear the Log Communication option. • Select Preferences Selecting a contact’s communication preferences enables you to select the categories and groups that you want to apply as a filter. The selected preferences will apply to targets at this step. The steps described in this procedure can be performed only if preferences are enabled for the base object of the Campaign in Business Administrator. For information about enabling preferences, your administrator must see Business Administrator Help. a. Click the Select Preferences check box and then click . The Preferences dialog box is displayed. b. Select a category in the Category list. Groups that belong to the category are displayed in the Group list. c. Select the groups that you want to apply as a filter. Only groups that are active are available for selection. d. Click OK. Note For the Send mailer action, the contact’s preferences are considered only if the Send Mailer contact property is set to Yes. • Exclude Targets with hard bounced emails This option is selected by default. Targets are excluded from the Send mailer step if their email addresses have a hard bounced status. You can clear this option. • Exclude Targets with soft bounced emails By default, targets are not excluded from receiving email from the Send mailer step even though their email addresses have a soft bounced status. Select this option to exclude such targets from receiving email. IMPORTANT To ensure such targets progress through the campaign and can be contacted using other media, create a filter at the relevant connector before the node that communicates with the target through a different medium. • Select Mailer Template Select the Mailer to be sent to Targets. You can create a Mailer by selecting New Template from the File menu. Mailers that belong to the Team in which you are creating the Campaign, and which share the same base Object as the Campaign are listed. • From Line You would typically customize the From Line in a Mailer when you want to send the same Mailer to different groups of Targets, from different sources. Example Worldwaves has two Accounts, Good Shoes and Better Shoes, for whom it is managing Campaigns. Good Shoes and Better Shoes want Worldwaves to send Mailers about the new products they have launched. John Glenn, the Campaign owner at Worldwaves can create a single Campaign to address the requirements of Good Shoes and Better Shoes. He can customize the From Line of the Mailer so that the same Mailer is dispatched to the two groups of Targets with different From Lines. For more information, see Customizing the From Line in a Mailer. • Send To By default, the mailer is configured to be sent to the e-mail address specified in the E-mail field of the base Object. However, you can also send the mailer to alternate email addresses. a. Click Configure to view other e-email addresses in the Configure Send To dialog; the E-mail field of the base object will be selected by default. b. Clear or retain the default selection and select additional email addresses to which the mailer must be sent. A maximum of five email addresses can be selected. Example The Target E-mail Address E-mail property is configured in the Properties tab of the Target. To send the Mailer to the e-mail address that is specified in the Target E-mail Address property, select Target.Properties.Target E-mail Address in the list. For more information, see Sending a Mailer to an Alternate E-mail Address. |
Send SMS |
The Send SMS Action enables your organization to send SMS messages to Targets using a Mailer whose Template Type Property is SMS. This Action is available in the Campaign if: 1. Your organization has purchased the Talisma SMS license. 2. The SMS Template is shared with the Team in which you want to create the Campaign. The Properties associated with the Send SMS Action are: • SMS step ID - Specify a code for the Send SMS Step in the <Multiple characters> format. You can substitute numeric, text, or alphanumeric values in the <Multiple characters> placeholder. You must include the TLC#<Multiple characters> string in the body of the Template you select in the Select SMS Template list. You must also request the Target to type this string in the body of the reply SMS message. When the reply SMS message is received, Talisma scans the message to locate the string. The value of the code enables Talisma to confirm that the incoming SMS message is particular to a specific Send SMS Action. Note It is recommended that you specify a minimum of two characters in the <Multiple Characters> placeholder. • Log Communication This option is enabled if: ◦ The Enable logging communication history in campaign actions option in Business Administrator is set to Yes. For more information about this option, your administrator must see Business Administrator Help. ◦ The campaign base object shares a one-to-one or one-to-many relationship with the contact object, where the contact object is on the one side of the relationship. When this option is selected, an instance of a campaign communication object is created for every SMS that is dispatched or fails to dispatch at this step. These instances serve as a communication log, and are displayed in the Campaign Communications tab of the base object and the associated Contact object. In the Team list, select the teams with which the Campaign Communication instances must be shared. All teams in the system are displayed. Note ◦ The Log Communication check box is not selected in campaigns if you upgrade to the current version and campaign support was enabled in the previous version. ◦ If your organization requires that history of all campaign communication is logged, it is recommended that you do not clear the Log Communication option. • Select Preferences Selecting a contact’s communication preferences enables you to select the categories and groups that you want to apply as a filter. The selected preferences will apply to targets at this step. The steps described in this procedure can be performed only if preferences are enabled for the base object of the Campaign in Business Administrator. For information about enabling preferences, your administrator must see Business Administrator Help. a. Click the Select Preferences check box and then click . The Preferences dialog box is displayed. b. Select a category in the Category list. Groups that belong to the category are displayed in the Group list. c. Select the groups that you want to apply as a filter. Only groups that are active are available for selection. d. Click OK. Note ◦ For the Send SMS action, the contact’s preferences are considered only if the Send SMS contact property is set to Yes and the contact's Mobile property is not blank. ◦ SMS mailers will be sent to the target only if the interval set in the Do not send more than one SMS message to the object in the specified number of days has lapsed. For information about this option, your administrator must see Business Administrator Help • Select Object Lists the base Object and other Objects that share a One to One or Many to One relationship with the base Object, where the base Object is on the One side of a One to One Relationship or the Many side of a Many to One Relationship. • Select Property Lists Text type of Properties of the Object selected in the Select Object list. Select a Property that has a valid mobile number. The SMS Mailer will be sent to the value in the selected Property. If you select the Contact Object, the Property is set to Mobile by default and cannot be changed. Note If you send the SMS message to the Object on the One side of a Many to One Relationship, when the Object item on the One side responds, all the related Object items on the Many side of the Relationship will progress to the next Node in the Campaign. Example You select five Leads to be added to a Campaign for which Lead is the base Object. However, you send the SMS message to the related Contact of the Leads in the Send SMS action. When the Contact responds to the SMS message, all five Leads related to the Contact will progress to the next Node in the Campaign. • Select SMS Template Lists SMS Templates that are shared with the Team in which the Campaign is created and which share the same base Object as the Campaign. Select an SMS Template that you want to use at this Action. Note It is recommended that the value specified in the TLC#<Multiple characters> format is unique. It must not be repeated in other Send SMS Action nodes in Talisma. If the value is repeated, the incoming SMS message from the Target may get associated with different a Send SMS action. For more information, see Understanding the Flow of SMS Mailers. • Fromfield options Enables you to specify a value that will be displayed as the sender of the SMS message. Select one of the following options: ◦ SMS Code - When the Target receives the SMS message, the Target will view this code as the sender of the message. In the From list, the list of SMS Web Services is displayed. Select the SMS Web Service that you want to use. By default, the list of SMS Web Services that are associated with the Team in which the Campaign is created is displayed. ◦ Custom text - enables you to specify custom text. In the Fromline custom text field, type the custom text that you want the Target to view as the sender of the SMS message. In this scenario, you must inform the Target that the Target must respond using a different SMS Code that you provide in the SMS Template. An SMS Web Service must be associated with the SMS Code to which the Target will respond. The Target’s SMS message will be routed to Talisma by the service provider who will receive the Target’s SMS message. • In the SMS Dispatcher list, select the dispatcher that will be used to dispatch SMS messages from Talisma. By default, the list of dispatchers that are associated with the Team in which the Campaign is created is displayed. Note If the value of the Mobile Property of the Target is not specified, or is invalid, the Target will not progress beyond the Send SMS Action. |
Set Property |
You can automate the setting of Object Properties for campaign supported objects and their related objects, where the base object is on the many or one side of the relationship and the related object is on the one side. The Object Properties are set to their specified values when the Campaign in which this Action is inserted is processed. The associated Properties of this action are: Select Object Select the Object for which the Property must be set. The following objects are available for selection: • Base object • Related object, where it shares a one-to-one or one-to-many relationship with the base object. The following related objects are not available for selection: ◦ The base object's relationships with reference objects. ◦ Relationships of the base object with system objects (except Contact). • Target • Participant - Available for selection only if your organization has installed Talisma Event Management. It’s also listed for objects for which Event support is enabled. • Order - can be selected only when the campaign’s base object is contact. • Opportunity - can be selected only when the campaign’s base object is contact. Select Property Select the required Property for the selected Object. The Select Property list includes the predefined and custom Properties for the Object selected in the Select Object list. Set value to For the selected Object, you can select the required Property for which you can specify a value in the Set Value to field. OR Select Today (+ / -) x days, and type a value (in days) in the range -999 to +999. The selected date property's value is saved after the typed value is added to or subtracted from the current date. This option is enabled only for date type of properties. OR Select Reset Property value to set the value of the property to Null. The option is disabled if a mandatory or conditional mandatory property is selected in the Select Property list. |
Note • You can use the space in the Notes area to add notes about the Action. In a saved Campaign, click the Action to view its notes in the Notes area. • The number of Targets in each step of the Campaign Workflow is displayed above the Action Node. |