The Chat Tab
The Chat tab is one of the interfaces in the Chat Workspace. It comprises the following components:
• My Sessions pane
• Site Visitors pane
• Message Properties / URL Trail pane
• Reference pane
• Transcript pane
The following table describes these components:
Component |
Description. |
My Sessions pane |
This pane lists all chat requests routed to you, and Proactive chat requests that you send when you are logged on to Talisma Chat. As a chat User, you can perform the following actions on a selected chat session from the My Sessions pane: Accepting, Denying, Ending, and Trashing a Session. If the Implement AutoAccept of sessions by CSR Global option for chat has been defined in Talisma Business Administrator, Talisma will automatically accept a chat request, and you will be forced to start chatting with the visitor. For more information about the Implement AutoAccept of sessions by CSR option, see Talisma Business Administrator Help. The My Sessions pane is refreshed automatically at regular intervals if you specify a frequency in the Media tab of the Options dialog box. For more information, see Setting User-specific Chat Media Options. Session Details are displayed as columns in the My Sessions pane. You can customize the columns in this pane. The columns in this pane are described below: • Session ID: A unique identifier for each session is displayed in this column. • Participant: The name of the visitor participating in the chat session. For internal sessions, this column displays the name of the Talisma User with whom the Owner is chatting. • Last Snippet Received: The time at which the last chat message was received from the visitor. This column is blank when:
In the Chat pane of the visitor's screen, the visitor's system time is displayed, indicating the time when the last chat message was received. • Visitor Status: The status of the visitor. • Visitor Activity: This column indicates whether the visitor is typing a message, or is waiting for your response. • Preview: Displays a preview of the chat session. • Session Type: The type of chat session. The value in this column could be Direct Route, Transferred, Conferenced, Barged-in, or Internal Session. • Owner: The owner of the chat session. The Owner is usually the Talisma User who initiated or first accepted the chat session with the visitor. • Chat type: The type of chat session. A chat session may be Proactive, Reactive, or Internal. • Session State: The state of the current chat session. The value in this column could be Active or Suspended. • Session time: The total time spent on a chat session since the time when it was first accepted or initiated. This Property enables you to keep track of the total duration for which the visitor has been chatting. If the session involves a Conference, Transfer, or take over by the supervisor, this Property displays the total time spent by all Users on the session. This value is the same across all the Users involved in the session. Depending on the values specified by the Business Administrator User for the Change 'Session Time' color in My Sessions Pane to Green, Amber, Red after (sec) option in Talisma Business Administrator, the value in this column is displayed in the appropriate color when the specified time elapses. • User Time: The total time you have spent on the chat session. If the session has been transferred, this column displays the time since the session was transferred to you. This Property enables you to keep track of the amount of time you are spending on each active chat session. For each User involved in a Conference or transferred session, the value for this Property will be different. Depending on the values specified by the Business Administrator User for the Change 'User Time' color in My Sessions Pane to Green, Amber, Red after (sec) option in Talisma Business Administrator, the value in this column is displayed in the appropriate color when the specified time elapses. In the My Sessions pane, details about the chat request are displayed in the following colors: • Blue: Details are displayed in Blue if the chat request is Proactive, and is not accepted by the visitor. • Green: Details are displayed in Green if the chat request is Reactive, and is not accepted by the User. • Red: Request details are displayed in Red when a chat session is being recovered. The Quick Reference for the My Sessions pane table provides a description of the icons in the My Sessions pane. |
Site Visitors pane |
This pane lists the visitors who are currently browsing the corporate Web site, and visitors who have been invited for a chat session. The following details about site visitors are displayed: Visitor, E-mail Address, URL, Country, IP address, and Started browsing at. For a new visitor, the Visitor column displays "New Visitor - [Visitor ID]". The Visitor column displays the visitor's name if the visitor is a Contact existing in Talisma Main Database. You can start a Proactive chat session in this pane after selecting a visitor. Click the Refresh button in this pane to view the current list of site visitors. The columns in this pane are described below: • Visitor: The name of the visitor browsing the corporate Web site. • E-mail address: If the visitor is a Contact in Talisma Main Database, the e-mail address of the Contact is displayed in this column. • URL: The uniform resource locator (URL) of the Web page which the visitor is browsing. • Country: If the visitor is a Contact in Talisma Main Database, the country to which the Contact belongs is displayed in this column. • IP address: The Internet Protocol (IP) address of the visitor's computer. • Started browsing at: The time when the visitor started browsing the corporate Web site. |
Message Properties/URL Trail pane |
Message Properties Pane This pane displays details of an active chat session, including the visitor's name and e-mail address. Other visitor information is also displayed in the Message Properties pane. When the chat session is in progress, you can customize the Properties displayed in this pane. To do so: 1. Click the Open hyperlink in this pane to view the details of the Message Object created through the chat session. 2. Select the Properties tab. 3. Drag the required Properties to the Message Properties pane of the Chat Workspace. 4. To remove a Property from the Message Properties pane, right-click the required Property, and select Remove. URL Trail Pane This pane displays a list of URLs that were selected and browsed by the visitor on the corporate Web site. The following URL-related information of the visitor is displayed as columns in the URL Trail pane: URLs visited, Chat Agent, URL Entry Time, URL End Time and Duration (secs). The columns in the URL Trail pane are described below: • URLs visited: The list of URLs browsed by the visitor. • Chat Agent: The list of Talisma Users who participated in a chat session with the visitor. • URL Entry Time: The time when the visitor started browsing the Web page represented by the URL. • URL End Time: The time when the visitor navigated away from the Web page. • Duration (secs): The difference between the URL Entry Time and the URL End Time. This value is displayed in seconds. To hide the Message Properties/URL Trail pane, clear the Message Properties / URL Trail Pane toggle option in the View menu. |
Reference Pane |
The Reference pane includes the Canned Responses pane and the Links pane. The Canned Responses pane and the Links pane list the Canned Responses and Links that are available for use in the Chat Workspace, respectively. You can choose to hide the Reference pane. To do so, clear the selection of the Reference Pane toggle option in the View menu. Canned Responses Pane This pane displays a list of all the Canned Responses created by different Users for use in chat in the Teams to which you have access. You can create a Canned Response from this pane. You can manage Canned Responses for chat using the New and Edit options in this pane. You can create language-specific Canned Responses by selecting the required language from the Language list in the Properties tab of the New Canned Response window. To view language-specific Canned Responses, select a language from the Language list in the Canned Responses pane in the Chat Workspace. You can choose to hide this pane. Click the Refresh button in this pane to view the current list of Canned Responses. Links Pane This pane displays the links that you have configured for sending to visitors. You can select a URL from the list or type a custom Link in the Custom URL field, and send it to visitors during chat sessions. Alternatively, you can view a Web page before sending the Link, or send the page to the visitor's browser. You can manage Links using the New, Edit, and Delete options. Click the Refresh button in this pane to view the current list of Links. |
Transcript Pane |
This pane displays the messages exchanged during the chat session. It also displays links of files uploaded, and any other Talisma system messages configured in Talisma Business Administrator. From the Transcript pane, you can either log a new Interaction, or add the chat session as a Message to an existing Interaction. You can also provide the Interaction ID displayed in this pane as a reference number to the visitor for future use. You can refresh the Transcript pane by clicking Message Area The Transcript pane contains the Message area, in which you can type a message to be sent to the visitor during a chat session. The Message area also enables you to upload files, send Links, send Canned Responses, and add comments to be sent to other Users. |
Quick Reference for the My Sessions pane
The following table describes icons in the Status and Visitor Activity columns
Icon |
Description |
This icon is displayed in the Status column, and it indicates that the visitor has closed the chat session. |
The Status column displays this icon when a visitor has sent a response to you, and you have not yet responded. |
During an ongoing chat session, if a visitor sends a message but you do not respond for a predefined stall time duration (defined in Talisma Business Administrator), this icon is displayed in the Status column of the My Sessions pane, and the stall count is incremented. The Stall Count is also displayed in the Status column of the chat tab in the Interaction window. |
This icon is displayed in the Visitor Activity column of the My Sessions pane, this icon indicates that the visitor is typing a message. If the visitor discontinues typing for 30 seconds, this icon disappears. This icon also disappears when the visitor sends the message. |