SIS Saved Events - Entity Level

Saved events are triggered just after data has been saved to the database and are most often used to perform some additional activity such as creating a Contact Manager activity, triggering a document, or adding a student to a group. Saved events are only generated when one of the “trigger” fields is updated. The events are captured at the database trigger level.

Saved events are only visible in the Event Log of the Windows Service NextGen Nexus Event Workflows. Saved event workflows must be stored on a host that has a direct database connection such as the COM server. The workflow Add Students to a Group is an example of a workflow triggered by a Saved event.

Note: Saved events are triggered off a single main database table, therefore, entity mappings to items in other tables is not always available in the Saved event data.

Forms can be accessed from multiple paths and some fields exist in multiple forms. This table does not does not list all possible paths and field occurrences.

The following table lists the SIS Saved events at the entity level, sorted by Contract Entities.

SIS Saved Events - Entity Level
Contracts Anthology Student Form Entity Mapping
Cmc.Nexus.Crm > Task
Cmc.Nexus.Contracts > Cmc.Nexus.Crm > Task Contact Manager > Activities (Add/Edit) (frmCmTask) Cmc.Nexus.Crm
Cmc.Nexus > Group Membership
Cmc.Nexus.Contracts > Cmc.Nexus > Group Membership View > Student Groups (frmSyStudentGroups) Cmc.Nexus

This event enables you to create an activity that is triggered when a student is added to or removed from a Student Group.

Workflow example: Add Students to a Group.

Cmc.Nexus > Person
SyStudent Event
Cmc.Nexus.Contracts > Cmc.Nexus > Person Student > Student Master (frmAmStudMaster or frmAMStudMasterShort) Cmc.Nexus

This event enables you to create workflow activities that are triggered when a value in any field of the SyStudent table is changed.

Note: Anthology Student databases and much of the business logic send updates to the SyStudent table multiple times due to triggers, related processes, etc. Therefore, multiple activities can be triggered by one change in the SyStudent table. To prevent this from happening, in your workflow make sure that a field actually changed before performing any activity on the event. Use the HasChanged method to ensure that the property you care about has actually been modified. See Checking for Record Inserts and Changes.

Workflow example: Add Students to a Group, which is triggered when the veteran status is changed in the SyStudent table.

Cmc.Nexus > Person Document
Cmc.Nexus.Contracts > Cmc.Nexus > Person Document Contact Manager > Documents (frmAmStudDocuments) Cmc.Nexus
Cmc.Nexus.Sis.Academics > Student Course
Cmc.Nexus.Contracts > Cmc.Nexus.Sis.Academics > Student Course Student Bar: Academic Records > Schedule (frmAdEnrollSched) or
Student Bar: Academic Records > Attendance (frmAdEnrollAttend)
Cmc.Nexus.Sis.Academics > Student Enrollment Period
Cmc.Nexus.Contracts > Cmc.Nexus.Sis.Academics > Student Enrollment Period Academic Records > Enrollment Cmc.Nexus.Sis.Academics
Cmc.Nexus.Sis.CareerServices > Student Employment History
Student Employment History
Cmc.Nexus.Contracts > Cmc.Nexus.Sis.CareerServices > Student Employment History Career Services > Placement (frmPlPlacements) Cmc.Nexus.Sis.CareerServices

This event enables you to create an activity that is triggered when a Student's employment history record is added or updated.

Example: An employer is associated with the placement record.

Cmc.Nexus.Sis.CareerServices > Student Placement Skill
Student Placement Skill
Cmc.Nexus.Contracts > Cmc.Nexus.Sis.CareerServices > Student Placement Skill Career Services > Placement (frmPlPlacements) Cmc.Nexus.Sis.CareerServices

This event enables you to create an activity that is triggered when a student's placement skill record is added or updated.

Example: A placement skill is added to a student record.

Cmc.Nexus.Sis.FinancialAid > IsirMatch
Cmc.Nexus.FinancialAid.Contracts > Cmc.Nexus.FinancialAid.Entities > Isir Matches (IsirMatchEntity) Daily > Financial Aid > Import Data > Application Data (select Update Now) (Module: ISIRImport1) > Process

Daily > Financial Aid > ISIR Matching (Module: ISIRMatchl2) > Auto Match or Manual Match

View > Financial Aid > ISIR (Module: ISIRReceived)

This event enables you to create an activity that is triggered when an ISIR is matched to a student record. The ISIR can be matched to the student by several processes in Anthology Student:
  • During ISIR import (Daily > Financial Aid > Import Data > Application Data (select Update Now) (Module: ISIRImport1) > Process).

    ISIRs are also processed in the back end at a later time by the Windows Service for Global ISIR processing and if Update Now not selected during ISIR Import.

  • Using the ISIR matching wizard (Daily > Financial Aid > ISIR Matching > Auto Match or Manual Match).

  • When the ISIR form is loaded (View > Financial Aid > ISIR).

The IsirMatch event provides access to the fields from the IsirMatch entity.

Cmc.Nexus.Sis.FinancialAid > Student Academic Year
Cmc.Nexus.Contracts > Cmc.Nexus.Sis.FinancialAid > Student Academic Year Financial Aid > Packaging (frmFaStudAcadYears) Cmc.Nexus.Sis.FinancialAid
Cmc.Nexus.Sis.FinancialAid > Student Grant Detail
Fund Source - Grant
Cmc.Nexus.Contracts > Cmc.Nexus.Sis.FinancialAid > Student Grant Detail Financial Aid > Packaging > Add New Source of Aid (frmFaStudGrant) Cmc.Nexus.Sis.FinancialAid

This event enables you to create an activity that is triggered when a Grant Fund Source is added to a student's financial aid package or posted as a ledger transaction.

Note: PaidDisbursements and ScheduledDisbursements collections cannot be mapped in the Saved event. This can only be done during the Saving event.

Cmc.Nexus.Sis.FinancialAid > Student Loan Detail
Fund Source - Loan
Cmc.Nexus.Contracts > Cmc.Nexus.Sis.FinancialAid > Student Loan Detail Financial Aid > Packaging > Add New Source of Aid (FaStudDirectLoan) Cmc.Nexus.Sis.FinancialAid

This event enables you to create an activity that is triggered when a Loan Fund Source is added to a student's financial aid package or posted as a ledger transaction.

Cmc.Nexus.Sis.FinancialAid > Student Award Pell
Dependency Status
Cmc.Nexus.Contracts > Cmc.Nexus.Sis.FinancialAid > Student Award Pell Student > FAFSA or ISIR data can change the dependency status to change on multiple forms in Anthology Student Cmc.Nexus.Sis.FinancialAid

This event enables you to create an activity that is triggered when a student's dependency status changes.

Cmc.Nexus.Sis.StudentAccounts > Account Charge Transaction
Student Ledger - Charge Transaction
Cmc.Nexus.Contracts > Cmc.Nexus.Sis.StudentAccounts > Account Charge Transaction Student Accounts > Ledger Cards > Post Charges (frmSaTransTrxs) Cmc.Nexus.Sis.StudentAccounts

This event enables you to create an activity that is triggered when a Charge Transaction is posted to the student's ledger. The event message contains the amount, fund source, and date. You can use this information to build various workflow activities.

Example: Send an SMS when new charges have been posted to a student's account.

Cmc.Nexus.Sis.StudentAccounts > Account Payment Transaction
Student Ledger - Payment Transaction
Cmc.Nexus.Contracts > Cmc.Nexus.Sis.StudentAccounts > Account Payment Transaction Student Accounts > Ledger Card > Post Payments(frmSaTransPayment) Cmc.Nexus.Sis.StudentAccounts

This event enables you to create an activity that is triggered when a Payment Transaction is posted to the student's ledger. The event message contains the amount, fund source, and date. You can use this information to build various workflow activities.

Examples: Send an email thanking the student for submitting a payment.

Cmc.Nexus.Sis.StudentAccounts > Account Summary
Account Summary
Cmc.Nexus.Contracts > Cmc.Nexus.Sis.StudentAccounts > Account Summary Student Accounts > Ledger Card (frmSaLedger62) Cmc.Nexus.Sis.StudentAccounts
Cmc.Nexus.Sis.StudentAccounts > Collection Account
Collection Account
Cmc.Nexus.Contracts > Cmc.Nexus.Sis.StudentAccounts > Collection Account View > Student Accounts > Collections (frmSaCollections) Cmc.Nexus.Sis.StudentAccounts
Cmc.Nexus.Sis.StudentAccounts > Student Payment Plan Statement
Account Statement
Cmc.Nexus.Contracts > Cmc.Nexus.Sis.StudentAccounts > Student Payment Plan Statement Daily > Student Accounts > Student Billing Statements > Student Payment Statements (frmSaPrintStatements) Cmc.Nexus.Sis.StudentAccounts

This event enables you to create an activity that is triggered when a student's account statement is processed.

Cmc.Nexus.Sis > Student Advisor
Student Advisor
Cmc.Nexus.Contracts > Cmc.Nexus.Sis > Student Advisor Add or edit advisor for an enrollment from the following forms:
  • View > Academic Records > Enrollment
  • View > Financial Aid > Packaging
  • View > Student Accounts > Ledger Card
  • View > Career Services > Placements
  • View > Loan Mangement > Loan Management
  • View > Contact Manager> Advisors
  • View > Contact Manager > International
  • Daily > Contact Manager > Advisor Assignment

This event enables you to create workflow activities that are triggered when a value in the SyAdvisorByEnroll table is added or changed.

Cmc.Nexus.Sis > Student Extra Curricular
Extra-Curricular Activities
Cmc.Nexus.Contracts > Cmc.Nexus.Sis > Student Extra Curricular Student > Student Master (frmAmStudMaster or frmAMStudMasterShort) Cmc.Nexus.Sis

This event enables you to create workflow activities that are triggered when a value in the Extra-Curricular activities field on the Student Master SyStudent.AmExtraCurrID is added or changed.

Example: A workflow creates a Contact Manager activity for the Athletics Department when a student completes an application and chooses a sport that populates the Extra-Curricular field on the Student Master form. The Athletics Department then starts the interview process for sports teams.

Workflow example: Add or Update Extracurricular Activities